从《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》到《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 威斯康星州:教别人同理心, 尊严与世界应有的样子

  • 玛丽舵
  • 玛丽舵

The friendly face on the other end of the Zoom call looked very familiar. You know how it is when you meet someone and you swear you’ve met them before.

她叫艾莉森·巴特利特, and she was a documentary filmmaker who had been asked to produce a short film about Barry-Wehmiller. The request came from Michael Pirson, a professor at Fordham University and the founder of the 国际人文管理协会.

迈克尔被安排去参观推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜BW Papersystems 菲利普斯的设施, 威斯康辛州 to witness firsthand our Truly Human 领导 culture and what it is like to work at Barry-Wehmiller. 他和Barry-Wehmiller的CEO 鲍勃·查普曼 were hoping Alison could capture the experience to share with others who couldn’t see it in person.

Michael is collaborating with us to bring the caring concepts of Truly Human 领导 that we teach within BW to business students at Fordham and other Jesuit Universities as well as the global network of business leaders he has assembled through the IHMA. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜将分享更多 迈克尔和他的作品 在以后的文章中. For now, let’s get back to my Zoom call with Alison.


像许多东海岸人一样, Alison’s familiarity with Midwestern geography seemed to begin and end at Chicago.

“它在威斯康辛州的北部森林, 在一个叫菲利普斯的古雅小镇, 在绿湾西北180英里左右. 人口大约1400人。”我回答. As I tell her this, I keep wondering where I’ve met this woman before. 为什么她看起来这么眼熟?

“Tell me more about what I will see,” she continued.

“Well, you really need to experience it to understand what’s going on there,” I replied. “在BW纸业公司, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的团队成员建造瓦楞纸板, which are massive pieces of equipment that produce corrugated board that box making or consumer goods companies then turn into shipping boxes and other packaging products. 虽然这很有趣, BW Papersystems的真正特别之处, 什么是BW Papersystems的真正精髓, 是 道路 他们制造这些机器.

“你会看到真正热爱自己工作的人. You’ll see people who feel listened to and cared for and part of something bigger than themselves. You’ll see people whose lives have become so much better because they work there. You’ll see people committed to taking care of the business and taking care of each other. You’ll witness a business that honors people’s dignity and that heals people from within. Essentially, you’ll see business the 道路 it should be. 菲利普斯发生的事就是证明, 在商业, you can treat people well and perform well at the same time.”

“What you’ve described sounds amazing but it’s my nature to look for loopholes,” she explained. “我需要亲眼看看情况是否真的如此. Looks like I need to get a crew together to experience northern 威斯康辛州!”

通话结束后,我立刻在谷歌上搜索了艾莉森. 结果发现,她是个熟悉的面孔. 从1986年到2015年, 艾莉森在《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》中扮演吉娜·杰斐逊, the groundbreaking children’s television show that has taught millions of kids about letters and numbers but also about concepts like being 种类 and respectful and the value of working together. My three young sons had enjoyed watching Sesame Street during part of that stretch and so Alison was in our living room day after day.

很快, Alison would be in our BW Papersystems plant to see caring and dignity and working together toward a common purpose inside a manufacturing plant. Something told me Alison was going to be a good fit to tell our story.

Upon returning from two days of interviewing and filming our team members in Phillips, 艾莉森分享道:

“I’m a native New Yorker who has spent the last 40 years in the entertainment industry as an actor, 作家, 和导演. Needless to say I have learned the fine art of armoring up to the rampant dignity violations seen in the workplace on any given day.

"My visit to Barry-Wehmiller broke me open, allowing a small respite from my cynicism. 不是在教堂, 集会, 3月, nor on the steps of any government building--it was inside a manufacturing plant in Phillips, 威斯康辛州 where I witnessed the simplicity of dignified, 种类, 真正人性化的领导.”

She talked of her experiences through the years with many successful companies “with great mission statements where the work gets done all while the employees’ dignity and value are continuously compromised. At Barry-Wehmiller, it was incredible to see the two united.”

When Alison and her team finished editing the short film, she said “It was a privilege to listen to the phenomenal minds both in the plant and conference rooms who shared their hearts about working for an organization where they can contribute their gifts meaningfully. I now feel a huge pull to create a larger documentary that encompasses the global philosophies I heard in the small town of Phillips, 威斯康辛州. May we all work tirelessly and together to heal what’s broken.

“这部电影是我送给你的礼物. Let’s share it with the world as an example of what it can be like for people.”

In this season of gift giving, I’m honored to share Alison’s gift with all of you. 也许它会让某人振作起来, 给某人希望, 打开心灵和思想的商业方式. 希望你们中的一些人也能分享它.

If it can happen in an industrial manufacturing plant in Phillips, 威斯康辛州, 这在任何地方都不会发生吗? May we all work together tirelessly to help heal what’s broken.

你可以观看 心与手, 由艾莉森·巴特利特执导


Brian Wellinghoff / 2021年7月22日
布伦特·斯图尔特/ 2021年10月6日
Podcast: Treating the People in Your Business Like Family
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2016年5月11日

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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